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Monday 1 April 2013

Interview: TUF Smashes Finalist Bradley Scott

Kingdom MMA Talks to Bradley Scott
By Tommy Strong - @Strong_tea

Kingdom MMA had the pleasure of catching up with TUF Smashes Finalist Bradley Scott earlier this week. Here's what he had to say about his TUF experience in Australia, and what the future holds for him.

Hi Bradley, thank you for agreeing to an interview with Kingdom MMA. Its very much appreciated and will be a welcome addition to our website.

Tommy: What age did you start getting into MMA and had you watched any fighting previous to trying it for yourself?
Brad: I started mma at 18, I was fairly new to the sport but I have stumbled across footage of Chuck Liddell which I was horrified by, but at the same time massively inspired!!!

What inspired you to get into MMA?
I wasn't inspired to get into mma it sorta fell into place! I tired out for the marines and I wasn't fit enough so I googled the 10 hardest sports and MMA / Olympic wrestling had came first so I found the nearest club which was Dragonslair and the rest started from there.

How did you get the opportunity to appear on the smashes series? Did it feel surreal getting the call?
A good training partner and friends of mine Andy Cockram rang me and filled me in for the details, and I thought why not just go for it. Then my manager Gary Cross from G4MMA got on the case and told me to give it ago.
I turned up for the try outs and had no idea I would get selected, once I saw the talent that turned up, awesome fighters were there.
Two days before we were due to leave I got a phone call off my manager saying I was selected. I was very excited but where I never gave myself much of a chance, I ate a lot of bad foods and put a few unwanted pounds on haha.

What did you learn most from being in the TUF house? And being surrounded by great coaches did your overall MMA game evolve a lot more in the time you were in Australia?
I dont think I got better technically while in the house, but my veiw on fighting on MMA completely changed. I realised how important wrestling was, and I became obsessed with it when I got out of the house, don't get me wrong I'm still shit at wrestling.

Do you think fighting in Australia in the final gave an advantage to Whittaker, and did you have any family present at the finals for support? 
I thought it was a huge advantage for him have his home crowd and making weight on his doorstep. When I arrived at the gold coast I weighed 193lbs due to the flight etc. I think if I'd fought him in the UK , I think I would of won!!!!

Do you keep in contact with any fighters from the show, from team UK or Australia?
I dont really keep in contact with many of the fighters only through email and twitter. I mainly keep in contact with Dean (Amasinger) who is a wicked coach his knowledge of the sport is fantastic

Its been 3 months since the final of TUF Smashes, how has life changed for you ?
Life changed massively after the show, as a lot of people I'd never met would come up to me and ask for photos and come up for a chat about the house!!! I get more respect off other fighters from my local area and I'm able to sell myself for seminars, which I was unable to do before.

With winning the bonus of $25k for fight of the season award, what was the first thing you splashed out on?
I bought myself a laptop and some well earned clothes but otherwise I've been really relaxed with the spending. I don't really go out and drink anymore, just spend all my money on meals out and food.

You mentioned on twitter you are out of action at the moment due to a leg injury? is this likely to keep you out for long?
I had an operation to remove abscesses from my leg caused from a VIT B12 injection and dropping a weight onto the area allowing it to spread.
This has been horrific for my training as I haven't been able to do anything. It's held me back so much I have to take my time getting back and being able to get full function from my leg

When would you like to be stepping back into the cage, and do you have any opponent in mind that you would like to fight?
I don't think ill be fighting for a while now, but I would love to fight in the uk there is no place like home!!! I don't think there is anyone in particular I would like to fight, I would just want it to be a great fight for the fans and me.

Anytime in the future do you see yourself moving up to Middleweight?
I've asked Joe Silva to move up to middle weight and this is all fine I was 102kg at the time, so it made sense. I've lost a lot of weight now, but I'm sure with my hunger pains and appetite I will get over 90 again and get ready for a cut.

Is there any specific area in your game you have been working on to improve it for your next fight?
I've really been working on my wrestling, don't get me wrong its by no means second nature but it has made a massive difference to my game and allows me to throw more freely. I had worked massively of strength training, but that went out of he window as soon as I was in hospital rotting away.

Outside of the cage is there any other sports your enjoy watching or taking part in?
Apart from fighting sports I don't really watch any. I'm not a football fan or anything either. The only things I really watch are movies I'm a massive lord of the rings fan!!!

Thank you for taking the time out to speak to me Brad, and we hope to see you back in the cage very soon.

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